Cosmetic Dentist – Five Questions to Ask

Cosmetic dentistry is helpful in restoring smiles lost due to broken, uneven, or yellowing teeth. The procedures can include dental bonding, crowns, Invisalign, teeth whitening, veneers, fillings, and more. For the best results, you need to ensure that your cosmetic dentist is right for the job.

Here are five questions to ask a cosmetic dentist.

What is your level of experiencing in offering the treatment?

Cosmetic dentistry is different than the preventive or basic dental treatments. Dentists need to have the right training before they can begin offering the treatments in their clinics. The level of their expertise will increase with time and the number of procedures they perform over the years.

Your preferred dentist may have more experience in one or more aspects of cosmetic dentistry than others. So, make sure to ask them about their experience in offering the treatment that you want. For instance, if you are seeking cosmetic dentistry in Springfield; be sure to research properly to find the best dentist for it. Begin with your local area and then expand your search. Check the websites of many dentists before you find one or two dentist that you like in terms of services offered and the corresponding experience.

Do you recommend any other procedures instead of my preferred one?

You may have an idea about the treatment you want. But your dentist may think another treatment better suited for your requirements. So, it is always best to ask your cosmetic dentist to recommend the procedure that may be the best for you.

For instance, if you need to replace broken tooth, you may assume dental crowns to be the right implant for you. But considering the condition of your remaining teeth or the health of the affected dental root; your dentist may recommend using a dental bridge. Similarly, you may think braces are your only option to straighten crooked teeth. But your dentist may recommend Invisalign instead.

So, it is always better to ask your dentist about the right treatment for you and then think over the recommendation. You can then choose what feels best for you.

Does the procedure offer good and long-lasting results?

It is always good to ask about the efficacy of a cosmetic dentistry treatment. It can require multiple sessions for the treatment to be complete. The treatments can be expensive too. So, you need to know for sure the results you can expect from a procedure.

Don’t be shy to discuss the pros and cons of a specific treatment with your dentist. Ask for clear information and transparency when it comes to the results of a procedure.

Can you tell me the estimated cost of the treatment?

Cosmetic dentistry can be more expensive than the basic dental treatments. So, it is better to know about the estimated cost beforehand. Of course, it is not possible to always calculate the exact cost of the treatment prior to its completion. But your dentist will be able to you what to expect in terms of the total cost of the treatment. So, you won’t be in for a surprise when you see the bill. You also need to know if you can afford the treatment.

In case, you feel the treatment is expensive as per your budget, make sure to ask the dentist if any financing options are available at the clinic. Many dentists offer easy financing options to their patients so that they can seek the treatment they want.

Will I need follow-up or additional procedures?

Many cosmetic dentistry procedures work best in tandem with each other. So, be sure to ask the dentist to recommend any additional procedures you can seek for more superior results.

For instance, if you have yellowing teeth and a chipped tooth as well; you can seek treatments for one right after the other. In this instance, your dentist may recommend to opt for teeth whitening first. The reason for it is that the shade of the dental crown will then match with the new improved color of your teeth. Similarly, any follow-up treatment to your initial treatment may enhance the results of the former.