Causes of Dry Eyelids, and How to Treat Them

The area around the eyes is highly sensitive and can react to many external factors. It can easily get irritated compared to other parts of the body. Aging, lifestyle choices, and allergens can all cause an adverse impact on the eyelids.

Dry eyelids are a condition where the eyelids become dry, flakey, rough, or patchy. It can also be accompanied by irritation and redness. Dry eyelids can also cause oozing and crust formation on your eyelids.

The symptoms of dry eyelids depend on the underlying cause. Also, the treatment method for the eye infection will depend on the reason for such a condition. Hence, it is essential to understand the causes of dry eyelids and decide on the treatment alternative accordingly.

A. Causes of dry eyelids

1. Environmental factors

Various environmental factors can impact the area around your eyes. Your eyelids can become dry and flakey during the winter months. The air has less humidity, and it can make your eyelids dry.

Also, washing your face with hot water several times can impact the oil glands that are responsible for moisturizing your eyelids.

2. Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is a skin condition that gets triggered when your eyelids come in contact with an irritant. There can be several triggers for contact dermatitis, like makeup, hair products, face washes, sunscreen, pool water, dust, painted nails, etc.

The factors causing contact dermatitis differ for each individual. Also, the irritants may reach your eyelids through your hands or other surfaces and cause itchiness, dryness, and inflammation.

3. Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis, also called eczema, is a skin condition that affects people early in their childhood. People with asthma and other food or dust allergies are at a higher risk. Atopic dermatitis can cause dry, scaly skin, pain, tenderness, rashes, and thickened and hardened skin.

4. Aging

Aging is another major cause of dry skin. It reduces the amount of oil in the top layers of the skin, reduces the sweat glands, and also makes the skin around the eyes thinner. It can reduce the skin’s ability to retain moisture and make the eyelids dry and itchy. Wrinkles and cracked skin also increase with aging.

5. Blepharitis

Blepharitis is an infection of the eyelids that is caused by bacteria or other factors. The tiny glands at the base of eyelashes can clog up, and the eyelids get inflamed. The condition can cause irritation, redness, burning, tearing, crusting, and so on.

Their infection can be caused by several factors, such as allergy, rosacea, dry eyes, other infections, etc. Depending on the cause of blepharitis, you will need to find the appropriate cure. For example, if the condition is caused by dry eyes, you need to look for the best product for dry eyes.

B. Treatment of dry eyelids

The treatment of dry eyelids depends on the cause of the condition. If you are suffering from atopic dermatitis, your doctor may prescribe moisturizers or corticosteroids.

However, if you are diagnosed with contact dermatitis, you need to avoid the triggers that cause dry eyelids. Patients should be extra careful as the triggers can reach the eyelids through your fingers or other surfaces. Also, clean your hands before touching your eyelids or the area around your eyes.

The best product for dry eyes may work for people suffering from Blepharitis, if the underlying cause is clogged glands. Warm compresses and eyelid scrubs help in keeping the area around the eyes clean.

However, your doctor may also prescribe antibiotic pills or ointments to remedy the situation. Avoiding hot water for taking baths and using moisturizers frequently are some of the lifestyle changes that can help aid patients with dry eyelids.

You can also add moisture to the indoor environment with the help of a humidifier. Only opt for face wash or cleansers that are free of fragrances and are gentle on the skin. Also, cool compresses can help with dry and irritated skin.