Cord Blood Banking: Which Option Is the Best for You?

The primary intention of all parents will be to give the maximum possible protection to their baby’s life, both physically and fiscally. As regards physical health, these days, many parents opt for the storage of the umbilical cord blood of their newborn. Medical science has advanced considerably, and this growth has given new tools to doctors for treating various diseases. The use of umbilical cord blood is one of such newer ways of medical treatment. This blood contains highly potent stem cells. Doctors use these cells for the treatment process. These stem cells have an inherent capacity to replicate themselves. This ability to multiply is the vital factor that makes stem cells highly significant. Surgeons use these cells to replace the damaged cells within the human body to make body metabolism flawless.

Human cells are vulnerable to various types of impairments. These are due to the attack of severe diseases like leukemia, cancer, heart attack, etc. It is possible to save the umbilical cord blood of the newborn in private and public blood banks. That said, there are several cord blood bank companies, and you must select the most suitable one. There are primarily two options; either you can opt for a private cord blood bank or a public bank. When you store the umbilical cord blood of your baby in a public cord blood bank, which is just a donation towards a social cause. Here, you or your family members, including the donor baby, will not get any preference for using the same. The stored cord blood goes as public property. Hence, the selection of the user will be from the eligible group of applicants. If you believe in social causes, you can opt for this provision. Donating cord blood to the public cord blood bank is free of cost, as the same is for the community. However, you must understand that even if you or near and dear ones, which includes the baby donor, fall prey to any deadly disease, you will not be able to use the same for the treatment. But, you can be mentally happy that you have given a due share for safeguarding the life of an unknown person.

The second option is to go for a private cord blood bank. There are many cord blood bank companies in the country, and you can select a company according to your wish. Here, you will be the single owner of the donated cord blood. This fact means that you or the person you nominate or your child will have the full legal right to use the stored blood. Because of this provision, many people prefer to keep the umbilical cord blood of their child in a private cord blood bank.

That said, you will have to pay a fixed monthly or yearly rent for the same, apart from the initial payment. However, it is possible to find highly affordable private cord blood bank companies. You can find companies that charge comparatively less. Yet another reason why people go for private cord blood bank companies is that your baby’s cord blood stem will be a perfect match for you or your close relatives. When you compare the situation with an external donor, this is all the more factual. That said, you must check and find out the reliability factor of the cord blood bank company before the selection, and this point is vital. The best way to check is through the AABB (American Association of Blood Banks). The local reputation is also a significant point to note that will indicate the reliability factor and technical perfection of the company. Remember, the cord blood bank must have all the modern facilities that will keep stored blood safe. Preferably, the place must be close to your place of residence. This proximity will be beneficial to you. The umbilical cord blood will reach the bank swiftly. Yet another point that you must check is the pricing factor. The pricing must be reasonable. There are cord blood bank companies that are inexpensive. It is possible to find affordable cord blood banks that are reasonably priced. You can find blood banks that charge very low, as low as $19.99/month.