How to Get Rid of Bacterial Vaginosis in Pregnancy?

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is caused by an imbalance of the pH levels in the vagina, leading to the multiplication of infectious bacterial. You may know that it requires very little to disturb your vaginal pH. This reiterates that vaginal infections are common. Hence, treating bacterial vaginosis is simple and the symptoms, too, begin to clear up within a few days.

Bacterial vaginosis does not mean that you are unhygienic, and certainly, you are not alone. That being said, pregnancy can also be a trigger for BV, not surprising, really, given the number of big changes one’s body goes through!


Bacterial vaginosis can be a tricky infection to diagnose. The symptoms of the infection include greyish-white discharge, unusual vaginal odor, a burning sensation, and for some people, a burning sensation while peeing. The hurdle here is that many of these symptoms are common to several other types of infections, making it hard to identify or diagnose BV. One symptom that stands out, however, is the fishy smell caused by the infection. Before beginning medications for BV, it is important to obtain a proper diagnosis, especially if you are pregnant.


Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy has been linked to early miscarriages. If you suspect you have BV, it is important to consult a doctor soon and get it treated as soon as possible. Of course, antibiotics are the best way of treating bacterial vaginosis. Antibiotics are safe and effective in clearing up the infection, allowing you to comfortably relieve the symptoms.


BV can be a persistent infection. Some people are more prone to it than others are. Immunocompromised individuals are also more prone to get infected. Probiotics are a healthy and safe alternative to preventing BV during pregnancy. If you add them alongside your medications for BV, it will aid healing. While antibiotics kill bad bacteria, they may also harm the good gut bacteria. In this case, probiotics will help promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your system, maintaining healthy pH levels. Probiotics also help prevent other types of vaginal infections, such as UTIs and yeast infections. Even if you are not currently living with an infection, probiotics are a good inclusion in your day.

Treating Bacterial Vaginosis Is Easy

Bacterial vaginosis is painful. You would not want to add a trip to the doctors for a prescription of medication of BV. Here is the good news; treating bacterial vaginosis is easy. The additional good news being, you do not need a doctor to get the prescription. With online pharmacies, you can order antibiotics and probiotics and have them delivered to your doorstep.

Pregnancy is not easy, and you would certainly not want to add to the discomfort. Take the first step towards relief, and treat bacterial vaginosis treatment with medications for BV. During pregnancy, vaginal topical treatments are the best option. Follow the advice of your doctor for the most appropriate treatment for you.

Those not looking to get pregnant, i.e. those who are on contraceptives need to be extra cautious. While only a few strong antibiotics can reduce the effectiveness of hormonal birth control, it is best to take extra precautions when undergoing antibiotic treatment of any kind. To continue with the contraceptive pills, use a backup method of contraception (like condoms) for 2 weeks, throughout treatment.

For those trying to get pregnant, a few studies have linked oral metronidazole with a higher risk of birth defects. Hence, it is best to consult with your doctor or ob-gyn before taking this medication. They can be the best source of information about the risks of any medication and tell you more about the best treatment option for you.